Unit:- 1, Lesson:- 1 Human Resource Development

 Class 10 social studies ( complete solutions )| SajiloAnswer |

     Human Resource Development

 A. Vvery short questions.

1. Define human resource.

Ans:- The people or group of   people having skill, knowledge, capacity to  work in  a certain  field is called human resource.

2.  Name the types of human resource on the basis of skill.

Ans:- The types of human resource on the basis of skill are:

i)  Semi-skilled human resource.

ii)  Skilled human resource.

iii)  Unskilled human resource.


3.  Compare between short term human resource and long term human resource in a sentence.

Ans:- The  human resource for short time and specific work is called  short term human resource whereas the human resource for longer period of time is  called long term human resource.


4.  What is the full form of HRM and HRD?

Ans:  The full form of HRM and HRD are:

HRM = Human Resource Management

HRD = Human Resource Development.


B.  Short answer questions.

1. Write any four characteristics of human resource management.

Ans:- The process of managing and utilizing the available  human resources in  the work is called human  resource  management. Any four characteristics of human resource management are listed below:

i)  It is the function of management.

ii)  It is concerned with people and workers only.

iii)  It helps to improve efficiency of people.

iv)  It is a routine process and function of administration.


2.  Explain the importance of human resource development.

Ans:- The  process of improving the  skills, knowledge, attitude and behavior  of employees of an organization  is called human resource  development. It plays an important role for the efficiency and reputation of an organization. An organization can get competent manpower from this.  It manages the whole plan, organization, policy making, mutual cooperation etc. The importance of human resource development is clearly mentioned by following points:

i)  It carries out various development projects and utilizes the available resource in the most effective way.

ii)  It manages appointment of workers, utilization of their skills and efficiency, reformation of organization.

iii)  It prepares incentive plan for the manpower.

In this way we can conclude that human resource development has great importance for particular organization or whole country.


3.  What plan has been made for human resource development in our country?

Ans:- The plan that has been made for human resource development in the country are  mentioned below:

i)  To develop the competent and skilled manpower able to compete in national and international market.

ii)  To maintain balance between demand and supply of manpower.

iii)  To run integrated programs for skilled human resource development

iv)  To develop the ability of targeted group.


4.  How should the manpower plan to be prepared in order to upgrade our country as a developed country?

Ans:- The manpower plan to be prepared in order to upgrade our country as a developed county are mentioned below:-

i)  Determining the objective of human resource planning.

ii)  Analyzing current manpower supply.

iii)  Forecasting the demand and supply of manpower.

iv)  Analyzing the manpower gaps.

v)  Training and development and evaluation of manpower planning etc.

By considering all above points the manpower plan should be prepared.


5.  What are the challenges in the human resource development in Nepal? How can they be overcome?

Ans:- The challenges of  human resource development in Nepal are listed below:-

i)  Lack of manpower for development since a large number of manpower goes abroad for employment.

ii)  Complexity in the development of manpower since the production of the manpower doesn’t match their demand in the market.

iii)  Lack of clear human resource policy in the country.

The above challenges can be overcome by following ways:

i)  Employment opportunity should be created in the country.

ii)  Balance between production of manpower and their demand in the market should be maintained.

iii)  A human resource plan with long term vision is also necessary.


6.  Why is it essential to improve the condition of human resource development in Nepal? Give reasons.

Ans:- It is essential to improve the condition of human resource development in Nepal and that essential reasons are mentioned below:

i)  It helps to demand recruit the manpower on the basis of human resource plan.

ii)  To increase the productivity of the organization with proper management of available manpower.

iii)  To increase or decrease  the number of workers in the organization  by analyzing the expenditure for labour.

iv)  To fulfill lack of manpower at a time of need and manage the additional employees.


7.   Write any four differences between human resources development and human resource management?

Ans:- Any four differences between human resource development and  human resource  management are listed below:


Human Resource Development

Human Resource Management


The process of bringing positive change in attitude, behavior, knowledge etc. of employee is called human resource development.

The process of utilizing the available manpower in various sectors according to their knowledge is called human resource management.


It is a function of a management.

It is a part of human resource development.


It is a routine process and function of administration.

It is an ongoing process.


It is concerned with people only.

It is concerned with the whole organization.



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