Unit:-9 Lesson:-5 Current affairs and Their Effects

 Unit-9 Lesson-5

Current affairs and Their Effects

A. Very Short Answer Questions

1.  What do you mean by current affair?

Ans:- Current Affairs are events of political, economic, environmental, or social interest or importance happening in the world at the present time.

2.  What is terrorism?

Ans:- Terrorism is the violence or threat of violence carried out to fulfill the political, economic, social or any other aim.

3.  What is meant by disarmament?

Ans:- Disarmament is a process of reducing or limit the use of weapons in which there is balance cut off of old weapons and disposal of powerful weapons such as nuclear bomb and biological weapons.

4.  Define atomic power.

Ans:- The energy/power which is produced due to the nucleus fusion/ fission.


B.  Short Answer Questions.

1.  What are the current affairs happening at present. List any four of them.

Ans:- there are several events and incidents happening in the world. Some of them are:

i)  Population growth

ii)  Terrorism

iii)  Civil war

iv)  Refugee problem

v)  Climate change

vi)  Underground mine

vii)  Corruption

viii)  Environment pollution

ix)  Disarmament

x)  Unemployment


2.  How can terrorism be ended? Write in points.

Ans:- Terrorism is the violence of the threat of violence carried out to fulfill the political, economic, social or any other aim. Terrorism can be ended in the following ways:-

i)  Discussion should be carried out with the terrorist group to find out the main cause.

ii)  Table talk, dialogue should be carried out in the presence of social worker, journalists, human right activists etc.

iii)  Every stakeholder should work neutrally.

iv)  Both the groups should be flexible.

v)  Just full demand should be fulfilled.


3.  Discuss about the preventive measures of Zika Virus.

Ans:- The Zika Virus spread from Brazil and soon it affected about 42 countries terrifying the whole world. It is caused by Aedes-Aegypti mosquito bite. It’s symptoms are fever, severe headache, pain in muscle and joints. Preventive measures of Zika Virus are given below:

i)  To protect ourselves from mosquitoes bites by using mosquito nets or wearing long-sleeved shirts and long trousers.

ii)  To test blood before any blood transfusion.

iii)  To keep surrounding of our house clean.

iv)  To launch massive cleaning campaign.

v)  Not to use others personal belongings.


4.  Write the effects of the Ozone layer depletion.

Ans:- Any four effects of Ozone layer depletion are:

i)  Effect on flora and fauna.

ii)  Climate change.

iii)  Global warming and greenhouse effect.

iv)  Increase in disease.

v)  Rise of water level of sea and ocean.

vi)  Quick melting of snow in polar region.

vii)  Forest fire, draught, flood, etc.

viii)  Effect on ecosystem.


5.  What efforts have been made to keep the environment clean in Nepal? Make a list of them.

Ans:- Nepal has made the following efforts to keep environment clean:-

i)  Provision of ‘Right to clean environment’ has been made in constitution.

ii)  Ministry of population and Environment has launched several campaigns on environment protection.

iii)  Community forest and afforestation programs have been conducted.

iv)  Council of environment protection has been established to prepare plans and policies on environment protection.


6.  Prepare an editorial to a national daily highlighting the negative ethics from the use of explosive materials.



The Kathmandu post

4th, July

Negative effects of explosive materials

Explosive materials affect the life of people after explosion. Such substances explode if disturbed by pressure or the closeness of something like metal. It unknown that where such materials are kept. Explosive materials are kept targeting someone or something. But civilians may be victimized. Thousands of innocent people were being killed by it everyday. It causes the loss of life and property. It is hazardous not only for women health, it also pollute the environment. It was widely used during the World Wars. It was also used during the 10 years long armed conflict in Nepal. To be safe from such explosive material, we should be careful while moving in sensitive areas and touching suspected objects. If it is seen, we would inform the security authority so that they can diffuse in on time.


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