Unit:- 9 Lesson-4 Activities of the United Nations in Nepal


Unit-9 Lesson-4

Activities of the United Nations in Nepal

A.  Very Short Answer Questions.

1.  In what fields the UN is providing support to Nepal?

Ans:- The UN is providing support in Nepal in social, economic physical and good governance field.

2.  Write the full form of IFAD.

Ans:- The full form of IFAD is International fund for Agricultural Development.


B.  Short Answer Questions.

1.  Make a list of the activities run by the United Nations Development Programme.

Ans:- The activities done by the United Nations Development Programme are listed below:

i)  Poverty reduction

ii)  Democratic transition and governance

iii)  Energy, environment, climate and disaster risk management

iv)  Use of natural resources for running industries

v)  Infrastructure software development


2.  Discuss the relevancy of the UN Habitat.

Ans:- Un-habitat is the United Nations agency for human settlement and sustainable urban development. It was established in 1978 AD. Its main objective is to improve the condition of people who are living in slums. Similarly it also manages the settlement for the victims of earthquake, tsunami, flood landslide, etc. It settles the problem of refugee is by managing habitat. Many peoples are compared to live in unhygienic environment and as a result they suffer from disease. Most people are unaware about safe and secure settlement. In such situation, UN habitat role is to overcome and solve the problems which the people are facing


3.  Suggest any four ways to make the programs run by IFAD more effective.

Ans:- IFAD is specialized Agency of UN dedicated to eradicate rural poverty in developing countries. Any four ways to make programmes run by IFAD more effective are:

i)  Help to provide irrigation in dry land.

ii)  Run training programmes for farmers on commercial agriculture.

iii)  Make availability of improved seeds, machine, agricultural tools, etc.

iv)  Manage the market for the goods produced by the farmers.

v)  Make the provision of regular supervision on its activities.


4.  Prepare a list of the International Non-Government Organizations working in Nepal.

Ans:- A list of international Non-Government Organizations working in Nepal are:

i)  World Health Organisation (WHO)

ii)  International Labour Organization (ILO)

iii)  United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

iv)  World Food Programme (WFP)

v)  United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA)

vi)  United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

vii)  United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)

viii)  Leo Clubs

ix)  Jaycees

xx)  SOS Children Village

xxi)  Scout

xxii)  Red Cross

xxiii)  Save the Children


5.  Write a letter to the head of the WHO suggesting the ways to make its program more effective.


Gandaki-5, Gorkha

4th July, 2017


The Programme Coordinator WHO

Kathmandu, Nepal

Sub:- About making activities effective


Dear Sir/Madam,

World Health Organization is actively involved in promotion of international public health. It supports Nepal for improvement of health status of the Nepalese people. It has been working in Nepal in the coordination with ministry of Health. For making activities of WHO effective, It should do the following things:-

i)  It should increase the public awareness.

ii)  It should organize the health check camp in remote areas.

iii)  It should provide more technical assistant in health sector.

iv)  It should establish hospital in remote areas.

v)  It should run the programme of free distribution of medicine.

vii)  It’s service should be rendered to remote districts.

At last, if the above mentioned activities are carried out, the program of WHO would be effective.

Thank you.


Pratik Mishra

Ratneshwar secondary school,



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