Unit:-9 Lesson:-3 Nepal’s Role in the United Nations

 Unit-9 Lesson-3

Nepal’s Role in the United Nations

A.  Very Short Answer Questions

1.  When did Nepal become the member of the UN?

Ans:- Nepal became the member of UN on 14th December 1955 AD.

2.  What is peace keeping force?

Ans:- Peace keeping force is the coalition troops of the member countries of UN send to maintain peace and security in different conflicting areas of the world.

3.  Name any four countries where Nepal has deployed its troops as the peace keeping force?

Ans:- any four countries where Nepal has deployed its troops as the peacekeeping force are:- Halti, Chad, Sudan, Liberia.

4.  When did Nepal start to send their security forces for peacekeeping mission?

Ans:- Nepal started to send their security forces for peacekeeping mission since 1978.


B.  Short Answer Questions.

1.  Discuss about the roles played by Nepal in the UN.

Ans:- Nepal has been playing active role in UN as its member country. It has been working for maintenance of international peace and security through various ways which are listed below:

i)  Nepal has been participating in the peacekeeping mission of UN continuously after obtaining the membership of UN.

ii)  Nepal has been expressing its view on behalf of world peace since 14th December 1955 AD when it got the membership of UN.

iii)  Nepal has been advocating for justice in the world.

iv)  Nepal has signed the treaties to stop the experiment and manufacturing of atomic weapons and support the disarmament.

v)  Nepal has worked as coordinator against racial discrimination.


2.  Are you satisfied about the role of Nepal in the UN? Present your opinion in points.

Ans:- Nepal is actively participating in UN activities since 1955 AD. Nepal’s role in UN is not satisfactory as Nepal is not able to raise critical agendas in UN. They are:

i)  Issue of border encroachment.

ii)  About the places lost in Sugauli treaty.

iii)  About the right of landlocked countries during blockade.

iv)  About the direct interfere on internal affair and sovereignty of Nepal.

v)  Regarding the issue of refugees (Bhutanese and Tibetan).


3.  Mention the effort of Nepal to obtain the membership of the UN.

Ans:- The efforts of Nepal to obtain the members of UN are:

i)  Nepal attempted to take the membership of UN through Nepal’s Embassy in Britain in 1947 1947 AD.

ii)  Nepalese ambassador to Britain Keshar Shumshar discussed with UN secretary Trygve Lie in 1947 AD about membership for Nepal.

iii)  Nepal submitted the application for admission to membership in united nation on 13th February 1949 AD.


4.  Present your views about the role of UN towards rights and welfare of the landlocked countries?

Ans:- UN has played the following role towards the rights and welfare of the landlocked countries:

i)  Landlocked countries have the right to access to sea for trade.

ii)  Right to trade and transit has been passed by UN in 1982 AD.

iii)  This right has given freedom to landlocked countries for sea routes.

iv)  To create blockade for landlocked countries is against the UN law.

v)  Landlocked countries have the right to complain in UN if the rights are violated.

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