Unit:-9 Lesson:-2 Specialized Agencies of the United Nations

 Unit-9 Lesson-2S

pecialized Agencies of the United Nations

A.  Very Short Answer Questions.

1.  What do you mean by the specialized agency of the UN?

Ans:- UN specialized agency mean the separate autonomous inter-governmental agencies affiliated with the UN by special agreements. They work with UN and other agencies through the coordinating mechanism of the economic and social Council of the UN.

2.  How are the specialized agencies of the UN funded?

Ans:- UN specialized agencies are funded by both voluntary and assessed contributions.


B.  Short Answer Questions.

1.  Which one do you think is the most important among the UN Specialized Agencies?

Ans:- UN has several specialized agencies which are affiliated with the UN by special agreements. They all are equally important. Among the specialized agencies, I think International fund for agricultural development (IFAD) is important because:

i)  It focuses on rural poverty reduction.

ii)  It works with poor people of rural areas in developing countries.

iii)  It supports for poverty elimination, fight against hunger and malnutrition.

iv)  It helps to rise productivity and Income.

v)  It supports to improve the quality of life.


2.  Write down the name of four specialized agencies of UNO and list out for programs supported by them.

Ans:- Four specialized agencies and their programs in Nepal are as follows:

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)It provides financial support to repair and reconstruct the heritages of Nepal which are enlisted in World heritage site.
International Labour Organization (ILO)It launches the program to abolish the child labour from Nepal.
United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)It provides food, clothes shelter and other support to the Bhutanese refugees in Nepal.
World Health Organization (WHO)Provides vaccinations to eradicate various epidemic and diseases in Nepal.


3.  Various specialized agencies of UNO have been working for the economic and social development of Nepal. What should be done to make their functions more affective? Write any four measures.

Ans:- The following measures should be taken to make the functions of a specialized agency of UN more effective:

i)  Give top priority to marginalize and the underprivileged groups and remote areas in their activities.

ii)  Should maintain good governance life transparency, accountability and people’s participation in their activities.

iii)  Focus to develop the skill of local people and bring sustainable development by the proper mobilization of local resources.

iv)  Identify the real problems of the beneficiaries or stakeholders and also focus on to eradicate poverty, illiteracy and hunger of the target areas.


4.  Name any two specialized agencies of UN that work in Nepal and write their short description.

Ans:- Two specialized agencies of UN Working in Nepal are:

a)  UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund):- it was established in 11th December 1946 AD. It’s headquarters is in New York, USA. This organization was been conducting for the benefits of children. Following are the works of UNICEF in Nepal:

i)  Activities to prevent gender discrimination.

ii)  Protection of children from any forms of violence, exploitation and abuse.

iii)  To increase the child survival rate in the world.


b)  FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization):- it is the largest agency of UN established owner 16th October 1945 AD. Its headquarter is in Rome, Italy. Its function in Nepal are:

i)  Provides food stuffs in remote districts.

ii)  It helps to raise the level of nutrition.

iii)  It support for the growth of agricultural production of the country.


5.  Write the functions of United Nations Development Programme and World food Programme in Nepal in two points each with example.

Ans:- The functions of United Nations Development Programme and World food Programme in Nepal are presented below:

Functions of United Nations Development programme

i)  It helps in development works of Nepal.

ii)  It helps for proper utilization of resources.

Functions of World Food Programme

i)  It provides food for the Bhutanese refuses.

ii)  It fights against the hunger and starvation in hilly and Himalayan districts.

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