Unit:-9 Lesson:-1 United Nation and Its Organ


Unit-9 Lesson-1

United Nation and Its Organ

A.  Very short answer questions.

1.  What is the Atlantic charter?

Ans:- A joint declaration made by the US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and British prime minister Winston Churchill in a battleship in Atlantic ocean and issued for the world peace on 14th August, 1941 AD is called Atlantic charter.

2.  When was the UNO established?

Ans:- The UNO was established on 24th October, 1945 AD.

3.  What is veto power?

Ans:- The special power which is got two to five permanent members of security council which can reject any decision made by general assembly is called meta power.

4.  Write the name of the permanent members of countries of the UN Security Council?

Ans:- USA, UK, Russia, France and China are the permanent members countries of UN security council.

5.  Who is the present secretary general of UN?

Ans:- Antonio Guterres is the present secretary general of the UN.


B.  Short answer questions.

1.  Mention the historical background of the establishment of the UN.

Ans:- UN was established as the successor of the league of nations. The League of Nations was established after the First World War in 1920 A.D. It was formed to avoid future war and develop friendly relationship among the countries of the world. However it was failed to establish peace and consequently the Second World War begin in 1939 A.D.

When the Second World War was going on, American President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were travelling on the ship at the Atlantic Ocean in 1941 AD. There only they agreed to establish another international organization for preventing war and promoting peace in the world. Accordingly, they prepared a Atlantic charter. The Atlantic charter was finally approved and signed by 50 nations through the San Francisco conference held in April-June 1945 AD. Once the Second World War was ended after surrendering of Japan in 12 September 1945 AD. The UNO was established on 24th October in the same year.


2.  Do you agree that the role of the UN has been more important in the present context? Present your view.

Ans:- Yes, I agree that the role of UN has been more important in present context. Following are the role played by UN:

i)  It helps to maintain peace and security in the world.

ii)  It helps to achieve international cooperation in solving various problems.

iii)  It works for social progress, economic development and other human right issues.

iv)  It also helps in maintaining good relationship among different countries of the world.

In this way, UNO is playing very vital role to maintain good relationship among countries and in promoting peace. It is also acting as peace promoter in the world. It is also giving us lesson that any matter or issues can be solved without war and conflict.


3.  Mention the functions of the General Assembly of the UN.

Ans:- The functions of the General Assembly of the UN are listed below:-

i)  It has to make plan and policies of the UN that leads it towards its ambition.

ii)  It passes the annual budget of the UN that helps to carry out the works of UN.

iii)  It appoints secretary general on the recommendation of Security Council.

iv)  It elects the members of economic and social council.

v)  It elects the judges of international court of justice and also issues a membership through which other country can become its member.

In this way, the General Assembly of the UN is playing a major role for attainment of goal of UN. It is acting as a legislative of any nation.


4.  Is the UN successful to achieve its objectives? Present your opinion.

Ans:- Yes, UN is successful to achieve its objectives. The reason how it is successful in its objectives are listed below:-

i)  It is able to maintain peace in the many of the countries. It has been 74 years of UN but still now no any world war has taken place.

ii)  It is able to establish a good relationship among countries. Previously, many of the countries where not keeping any relation with other countries. But it is the UN which has motivated them to make a good relationship.

iii)  It is able to boost up the economic condition of many of the countries. Previously, many countries people where are under poverty line. But it is rarely found nowadays.

iv)  It is able to protect the human rights. Previously, the rights of people living in country where violated but it is fully protected nowadays.

Thus, we can say that UN is successful to achieve its objectives.


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