Unit-2, Lesson-5 Formulation of Development Proposal at Local Level


Unit-2, Lesson-5 Formulation of Development Proposal at Local Level

Formulation of Development Proposal at Local Level


A.  Very Short Answer Questions


1.  What is meant by formulation of development proposal?

Ans:- A draft of complete program prepared to achieve certain objectives with in a fixed period with the appropriate use of available resources is meant by formulation of development proposal.

2.  Why is the formulation of plan considered as well important skill?

Ans:- Formulation of plan is considered as very important skill because it is the main guideline for development which helps to use means and resources properly. It helps to present clear vision for the future activities.

3.  What more do you like to do in your school then that has already been done?

Ans:- I would like to equip the science lab with equipment’s, establish a library with sufficient books.


B.  Short Answer Questions


1.  Is development possible without formulating development planning? Conduct a speech program on it.


Respected Chairperson,

Judges, teachers, and dear friends

I am very glad to get a chance to express my views on ‘Development is not possible without planning proposal’.

A development planning proposal presents what to do, why to do, where to do, when to do, etc. It helps to obtain goals on targeted time. There is less chance of delay and no question will raise on what to do thereafter. The development will be faster and will move to right direction with right utilization of resources and means. There will be no chance of misuse of budget. Public participation will increase and people will get the fruits of development easily. So development planning proposal should be presented before running projects. It helps to gain support from the public. Running development activities without proposal is like a crow in the fog. At last I want to quote a saying ‘Well begun is half done’.

Thank you.

2.  Make separate lists of advantages of public participation and disadvantages of its absence in the local development work.

Ans:- Advantages of public participation:

i)  Improves living standard of people.

ii)  Fulfills the will and aspiration of people.

iii)  Well utilization of budget.

iv)  Increases social unity.

v)  Increases employment opportunities.

vi)  Fulfill the objectives of sustainable development.

 Disadvantages of absence of public participation:

i)  Delay project completion.

ii)  Obstacle may rise due to political motif.

iii)  More chances of budget corruption.

iv)  Project remains incomplete.

v)  Less chances of getting job by local people.

vi)  Misuse of means and resources.


3.  Write in short about the local plan formulation process.

Ans:- Planning is essential for achieving target goals. Formulation of plan is beginning steps or condition of development. It is a guideline of development too. The local plan formulation process is as follows:

i)  Identification of need.

ii)  Selection of the option.

iii)  Preparation of proposal.

iv)  Estimation of sources for the investment.

v)  Agreement and contract.

vi)  Implementation.

vii)  Supervision and evaluation.


4.  “Formulation of well and effective development proposal is half completion of the project”. Present your logic in the support of the statement.

Ans:- Well and effective development proposal include the clear vision like what to do, why to do, where to do, when to do, how to do, etc. Such development proposal helps to:

i)  Utilize means and resources effectively.

ii)  Complete the project in stipulated time.

iii)  Utilize budget.

iv)  Get fruits of project easily.

v)  Settle the dispute during work.

vi)  Obtain the goal easily.

vii)  Increase public participation.


5.  Why is the participation of people of affected area important in the formulation of development planning at local level? Mention the reasons.

Ans:- The participation of people of affected area is important in the formulation of development planning at local level. Participation of people of affected area means involvement of local people in development work. it is considered compulsory to participate local people in the formulation of local planning because of following reasons:

i)  It helps to fulfill public will and desire.

ii)  Support is obtained for work from local people.

iii)  It helps in maximum utilization of means and resources.

iv)  Less chance of corruption.

v)  There won’t be obstacle if local people are involved in development work.

vi)  Concept of sustainable development can be materialized.

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