Unit-2, Lesson-4 Contemporary Development Goals and Nepal


Unit-2, Lesson-4 Contemporary Development Goals and Nepal

Contemporary Development Goals and Nepal


A. Very Short Answer Questions.

1.  What do you mean by Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)?

Ans:- Those development goals which are prepared according to UN Summit of 2000 AD with measurable targets and clear deadlines for improving the lives of the worlds who raised people is called MDGs.


2.  Present your opinion on the goals set by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2076 AD-2030 AD.

Ans:- My opinion on goals set by SDGs 2016-2030 AD are:

i)  Poverty can be eradicated by 2030 AD.

ii)  End of social discrimination and formation of inclusive society, maintaining social security, employment opportunities can be made possible.

iii)  Plantation, ways to minimize pollution, decrease climate change, protection of wildlife and vegetation can be done by 2030 AD.


3.  How many goals are there in SDGs?

Ans:- There are 17 goals in SDGs.


4.  When did Millennium Development Goal start?

Ans:- Millennium Development Goal started in 2000 AD.


5.  Write one important achievement that Nepal achieved in reference to Millennium Development Goals.

Ans:- One important achievement that Nepal achieved in reference to Millennium Development Goal is that Nepal was able to reduce poverty to 23.8%.


B. Short answer questions.


1.  Did Nepal achieve the Millennium development Goals (WGS)? Present Your Logics.

Ans:- Yes, Nepal is one of 189 countries committed to Millennium Development Goals. Nepal, despite suffering from a number of problems has achieved significant progress on most MDG targets. Some targets have been met in advance and others have been met within the 2015 deadline. Nepal’s target to reduce the population under poverty line was to 21% but it can achieve only 23.8%. Various women empowerment and gender equality can be seen in Nepal. Recently in local election also the participation a woman is made compulsory. Nepal is able to the maternal and child mortality rate due to awareness, increase in health service, etc. Production of hydropower, solar energy, etc. had helped to end energy crisis. Similarly, Nepal has failed to implement the concept of sustainable development in construction of infrastructure of development, failed to provide safe settlement and basic needs. Deforestation and rising pollution has challenged our ecosystem. Nepalese on successful in decreasing corruption according to MDGs.


2.  Amongst the SDGs, which goal do you think is most important? Why? Compare with other goals and write.

Ans:- Among the SDGs, I think SPG 9 most the important because it has given emphasis to develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, it helps in balance development of the country, expand industry and trade, increase living standard of People, produce skilled manpower, improve health status and increase employment opportunities, etc. This goal has given priority to Industrialization and new search so it can increase revenue, employment and great possibility for our countries development. So, I like it more the other goals.


3.  What should Nepal do to achieve the set goals on time? Discuss in the groups and present the conclusion of groups.

Ans:- Following should Nepal do to achieve the set goals on time:

i)  Available means and resources should be utilized properly.

ii)  Plan should be implemented effectively and efficiently.

iii)  Political stability should be maintained.

iv)  Frequent meeting should be conducted to set goals but the set goals should not conflict with the government’s policy.

v)  Production of human resource and capital by the use of means and resources.

v)  Educational facilities, women empowerment program should be provided in all nook and corner of country.

vi)  Non-renewable sources should be utilized properly and hydro electricity production should be generated.

vii)  Employment opportunities should be provided to youth who are seeking for abroad foreign employment.

Increase public participation in development work. End corruption and misuse of power. Continue supervision and monitoring in every 

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