Unit-2, Lesson-3 Infrastructure of Development: Skilled Manpower and Employment Opportunity


Unit-2, Lesson-3 Infrastructure of Development: Skilled Manpower and Employment Opportunity

Infrastructure of Development: Skilled Manpower and Employment Opportunity


A. Very short answer questions.

1.  What do you mean by resource and means?

Ans:- The natural, economic, political or human assets of nation is called resource. The way or method or instrument by which result is achieved is called means.


2.  What are the types of resources?

Ans:- The types of resources with example are listed below:-

i)  Natural resource:- eg: Mineral, Forest, Hills etc.

ii)  Human resource:– eg: Teachers, Doctors etc.


3.  Define human resource.

Ans:- The people or group of people are expect in doing certain task effectively and contribute to the development of a country is called human resource.


4.  What is remittance?

Ans:- The transfer of money by a foreign worker to an individual in their home country is called remittance.


5.  Skilled human resources is the foundation of prosperous Nepal. Why? Give a reason.

Ans:- Skilled human resources is the foundation of prosperous Nepal because skilled human resources can utilize available resources in the country and help in the economic growth of the country.


B. Short answer questions.


1.  Highlight the importance of skilled manpower.

Ans:- The importance of skilled manpower are highlighted below:

i)  Skilled manpower speed up the development of the country.

ii)  They help in development of new technology and idea.

iii)  They help in utilization of available natural and human resource for development.

iv)  They help to formulate and implement the development plans.


2.  What are the measures to produce skill manpower in the country?

Ans:- The measures to produce skill manpower in the country are listed below:

i)  Political and quality education should be provided to all.

ii)  Training opportunities should be given to the people as per their interest.

iii)  Develop technical and vocational education system according to the need of country.

iv)  Study, observation, research etc. should be done.


3.  Why skill manpower is considered as an infrastructure of development? Give reasons.

Ans:- Skill manpower is considered as an infrastructure of development because of following reasons:

i)  They helps to utilize the capital, machinery as well as available means and resources.

ii)  They helps to bring new technology to boost up development activities.

iii)  They helps in formation of plans and policies for development.

iv)  They helps to conduct development activities in sustainable way.

In this way as Skill manpower has great role for development of any country. So manpower are called as an infrastructure of development.


4.  Clarify the relationship between skilled manpower and human resource.

Ans:- There is very close relationship between skilled manpower and employment opportunity. As, we know that skilled manpower refers to the people who have specialized in certain Field to work with complete knowledge, skill and Idea. Whereas employment is work.it is necessary to develop the economic condition of family, society and entire country. Nowadays employer prefers to provide employment to only who are skillful.

The manpower with less knowledge cannot get the job easily whereas skilled manpower easily gets employment. The training center, seminar etc. are producing the skilled in large number nowadays. So, government should also provide employment to them in order to develop the country. Otherwise, they will create self-employment or go abroad to get employment opportunities. So, in order to keep the balance relationship between skilled manpower and human resource, employment opportunities should be created in the same ratio of manpower.


5.  Clarify the relationship between natural resource and human resource.

Ans:- There is very close relationship between natural resource and human resource. The human resource refers to the people who are expert in doing certain task effectively and contribute to the development of a country. Whereas the things which are present in our surrounding gifted be nature is called natural resources. Both human resource and natural resource are contemporary to each other. Without natural resources human resource cannot survive. Whereas if there is no human resource then there is no any value of natural resource because human resource helps in utilization of natural resources in society. They helps to protect and preserve those natural resources which are at the stage extinct. They prepare several plan and policies and lunch several technologies, in order to utilize the natural resource properly. And this good relation between human resource and natural resource helps to maintain the balance in the ecosystem. 

Thus, we can say that there is inseparable relationship between natural resource and human resources.


6.  Why is poverty decreasing in Nepal? Give reasons.

Ans:- Poverty is d decreasing in Nepal because of following reasons:

i)  Increasing remittance from foreign employment.

ii)  Development in private sector such as private schools, colleges, bank etc. which are creating employment opportunities.

iii)  Increasing literacy rate, production of skilled human resource, increasing trend of self-employment.

iv)  Decreasing dependency on agriculture.

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