Unit-2, Lesson-2 Ongoing Development Projects in Nepal


Unit-2, Lesson-2 Ongoing Development Projects in Nepal

Unit-2, Lesson-2

Ongoing Development Projects in Nepal


A. Very Short Answer Questions.


1.  What is a development project?

Ans:- A development project is the devised  program with certain objectives which should be completed in certain time frame with the help of allocated budget.


2. What do you understand by the “Projects of National Priority”?

Ans:- Those projects which are of national importance, given top priority by the government and for which we feel proud and humble and gives the identity of the whole nation is understood as the “Projects of National Priority”.


3. What are the infrastructures of projects? Mention.

Ans:- The infrastructure of projects are listed below:-

i)  Provision of capital

ii)  Provision of communication

iii)  Provision of human power

iii)  Equipment, machine, tools and technologies


4.  How many projects have been considered as “The Projects of National Pride”?

Ans:- 21 projects have been considered as “The Projects of National Pride”.


5.  Name two reasons for Projects of National Pride not being completed on time.

Ans:- The projects of National Pride can’t be completed on time due to the following reasons:-

i)  Lack of budget

ii)  Lack of proper plans and policies


B. Short Answer Questions


1.  Clarify the importance and need of development project.

Ans:- The importance and need of development project are:

i)  To fulfill the needs of the citizen.

ii)  To increase employment and self-employment.

iii)  To expand the facilities of transportation, communication, health, education, electricity, drinking water, etc.

iv)  For all round development of the country.

v)  To make country independent.

vi)  To increase revenue and improve living standard of people.

vii)  To increase prestige and dignity of the country.


2.  Why are the projects running in Nepal not completed within the specified period? Mention the reasons and also list the measures of solution.

Ans:- The projects running in Nepal are not completed within the specified period. The reasons and solution are as follows:




Control corruption.

Lack of public participation.

Increase and give importance in public investment and participation.

Political instability.

Maintain political stability.

Lack of skilled manpower.

Preparation of skilled manpower by providing training and education.

Weak economic condition.

Right use of foreign donations.

Lack of technology.

Give priority on technical education.

Difficult topography.

Run the project based on topography.

Ignorance from government.

Regular supervision, monitoring from government level during project duration.


3.  What is your opinion about the domestic investment in the projects? Present your logics.

Ans:- The domestic investment in the projects is very important. It has several benefits. They are listed below:

i)  Increment in National pride and prestige.

ii)  Remittance can be utilized properly.

iii)  There won’t be foreign interfere in internal affairs of the country.

iv)  No need to depend on foreign donations and aid for development.

v)  Strengthen the nation, national integrity, nationality, self-respect, sovereignty, etc.

vi)  Develop the habit to be self-reliant.

vii)  Increase in public participation.

viii)  Develops the feeling of entrepreneurship


4.  What advantages can the Pushpalal Mid-Hill Highway provide? Write your logics.

Ans:- Mid- hill highway was aimed to connecting the mid- hilly districts with road networks. After the completion of this project, people will have the following benefits:

i)  It can improve education and health sector.

ii)  It can contribute in the establishment of several industries and creates self-employment opportunities.

iii)  Improve the living standard of people in hilly region.

iv)  It connects east to west of Nepal with road networks.

v)  It helps to sell and distribute to the local production.


5.  Make a list of infrastructure of project.

Ans:-The list of infrastructure of project are given below:

i)  Extensions of roadways and airways

ii)  Facilities of communication

iii)  Reliable supply of electricity

iv)  Skilled manpower

v)  Equipment, machines and machinery

vii)  Management of capital

viii)  Availability of technology


6.  Despite the efforts made by federal and state government, the degradation of Chure hill has not been stopped. It has caused negative impacts in the environment. What roles can local level play in these circumstances? Write in four points.

Ans:- The natural resource of Chure hill have been excavated and supplied to different place illegally due to which the bio-diversity of this region has degraded. The efforts of Federal government and State government have become effortless. In this regard, the local government can play important role to save Chure region. For this, they can apply the following strategy:-

i)  The local governments of Chure regions can stop the excavation of sand, soil and stone immediately which causes environmental degradation.

ii)  Local level can launch afforestation program around Chure hill.

iii)  They can launch awareness programs to control the encroachment of forest and hunting animals.

iv)  The local government can allocate budget to control fire, for plantation and to save the water resources.

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