Unit:-2, Lesson:- 1 Sustainable Development

Unit:-2, Lesson:- 1 Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

A.  Very short answer questions.

1.  What is sustainable development?

Ans:- The development that is done to meets the need of present generation without harming the nature and future generation.

2.  What are the four dimensions of sustainable development according to UNESCO?

Ans:- The four dimensions of sustainable development according to UNESCO are:

i)  Social

ii)  Economic

iii)  Natural

iv)  Political dimensions


3.  When and which commission brought the concept of sustainable development?

Ans:- In October 1987 and Brundtland commission brought the concept of sustainable development?


B. Short answer questions:

1.  What are the things to be considered for the sustainable development?

Ans:- The things to be considered for the sustainable development are as follow:

2.  Poverty alleviation is necessary for sustainable development.” How? Clarify in four points.

Ans:- The poverty alleviation is necessary for sustainable development. It is clarify in four points below:

i)  It helps to attain high, stable and sustainable economic growth of the people.

ii)  It helps to gain human development and progress.

iii)  It helps to improve living of standard.

iv)  It also helps develop the economic growth of the country.


3.  Mention the objectives of sustainable development in points.

Ans:- The objectives of sustainable development are:

i)  To help in the poverty alleviation

ii)  To conserve the environment effectively

iii)  To use resources and means carefully

iv)  To gain human development and progress.


4.  What are the aspects to be considered while running the projects according to the concept of sustainable development?

Ans:- The aspects to be considered while running the projects according to the concept of sustainable development are:

i)  Meaningful participation of people in development.

ii)  Discourage over exploitation of nature and natural resources.

iii)  Environment friendly approach on development.

iv)  Durable use and justifiable distribution of available means and resources.

v)  Overall, geographical, social, economic aspects should be considered.


5.  What should Nepal do for the sustainable development?

Ans:- The following things Nepal should do for the sustainable development:

i)  Ensure availability and sustainable management of water.

ii)  Focus on awareness about importance of natural resources and sustainable development.

iii)  To pays attention in justifiable distribution of resources and means.

iv)  Proper budget should be separated for every out various development projects on the basis of sustainable development.


6.  What are the problems and challenges of implementation of sustainable development in Nepal? Write points.

Ans:- The problems and challenges of implementation of sustainable development in Nepal are as follow:

i)  Frequent change of government and unstable government.

ii)  No proper plans and long-term vision for sustainable development.

iii)  No separation of budget for carrying out development activities.

iv)  Lack of social justice, gender equality and many more social problems.


7.  “Unmanaged development is destruction”. Discuss this statement in groups and clarify it with example.

Ans:- “Unmanaged development is destruction”. It is very difficult when there is unmanaged development is done. Unmanaged construction leads to destruction of various things. It destroys various means and resources. It also leads to poverty alleviation, slowdown the rate of development. It also destroys beauty of nature, affect environment etc. it destroys cultural heritage, ecosystem, biodiversity also. It leads society, country back. For example: if we constructs roads by deforesting hardly, then it may lead to damage natural resources, means and can also cause landslide, flood which will destroy various lives, development work etc.

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