Unit:- 1, Lesson:- 4 Provinces of Nepal

 Unit:- 1, Lesson:- 4 Provinces of Nepal

Provinces of Nepal

A.  Very short answer questions

1.  In which province there is more agricultural land? How it can contribute for the development?

Ans:- In province 2, there is no agricultural land. It can contribute for development by increasing per capita of people and GNI of nation.

2.  In which province, there is more land covered with snow? How can it contribute for the development?

Ans:- In province 4, there is more land covered with snow. It helps to generate electricity where it melts and flows in river and lakes. In this way, it helps in development.

3.  Which province has less area for grazing? What effects does kind of land have in the development? 

Ans:- Province 6 has less area for grazing. The kind of land area makes the destruction of biodiversity, causes flood, and decreases production of food crops which retards the development activities.

4.  Which province has less area of forest? What can we eat alternative?

Ans:- Province has less area of forest. We can establish industries and factories and increase the agricultural production.

5.  Mention any two physical features of province where you reside.

Ans:- Any two physical features of province where I reside are listed below:

i)  It has of tropical climatic condition with dense forests in North.

ii)  Its land area is 9,661sq.km and consists of 8 districts.


B. Short answer questions

1.  In which province has less number of industries? Mention the possibilities of development in that province? Prepare a list of suggestion.

Ans:- Province no.6 has less number of industries among all the seven provinces of Nepal. It covers mountain and hill regions in western part. 

The possibilities of development in that province are listed below:

i)  Importance of horse like Yarsagumba found in this province can be traded for good income.

ii)  From the rivers like Tila,Veri,Humla karnali, Mugla karnali there can be production of electricity and traded for income.

iii)  There is huge pasture land which can be beneficial for animal husbandry.

iv)  There is Rara and Shey-phoksundo lakes, Sey-Gumba, Karke Bihar etc. are better important religious sites. It can make better earning promoting these sites as tourism destination.


2.  List the problems and challenges in the development of Karnali province and suggest the ways to solve them.

Ans:- The problems and challenges in the development of Karnali province are listed below:

i)  This province is extended between hill and mountain region due to which it has less development of infrastructure.

ii)  Agriculture land is not enough in this region.

iii)  It has more irrigation projects than other province. So, to unlift the agriculture is challenge for this province.

iv)  It has more perennial rivers and production of hydroelectricity is challenge for this province.

The ways to solve above problems and challenges are listed below:

i)  Skilled manpower should be utilized and modern equipment’s should be develop to produce electricity from perennial rivers.

ii)  Step- farming should be increased to utilize irrigation projects or water should be supplied to other province to earn income.


3.  Compare between the possibilities of development of province 2 and province 7 in four points.

Ans:- The comparison between the possibilities of development of province 2 and province 7 in four points are listed below:


Province 2

Province 7


There is huge cultivable land or fertile lands which helps in production of crops and earn income.

There is also fertile land in Terai region which helps for development.


There is Janakpur Dham, Ghadi Mai temple etc. religious sites which attracts tourists.

Badhimalika,Urgatara and Sailenwari etc. are religious sites which attracts tourist.


It has highest number of factories and industries which is good source of income for development of country.

Tourism probability is very high in province 7 which makes the development by collecting foreign currencies.


It has dense forest in Northern part where valuable herbs are found which can be source of income.

It has Shuklapanta and Khaptad national part adding attraction for tourism development.


4.  Prepare an article on the topic “population and geography can be used for boon for development”. Covering the concept of your province.


   The Kathmandu post Population and geography can be boon for development

      As, we all know that population means the people living in a particular area and geography means the way in which physical features of particular place are arranged. 

      Here, geography determines the lifestyle of people and their economic level of living. Population helps to utilize the means and resources properly and also make their rational use and conserve them for future. Agriculture, climate and topography are the part of geography but mostly influenced by people for survival. Population also involved in the activities of making geography more beautiful. They plant crops, harvest them and produce grains. Such activities maintain the natural process.

      In similar way in my province i.e. province 2. People are involved in agriculture to control natural process and spend their life. They are carrying various development activities by making rational use of geography. So, we can say that population and Geography are boon for development.


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