Unit:- 1, Lesson:- 3 Concept of Regional Development and Federalism

 Unit:- 1, Lesson:- 3 Concept of Regional Development and Federalism

Concept of Regional Development and Federalism

A. Very short answer question.

1.  Define the concept of development.

Ans:- The concept of development is defined as the development process which is not only related to physical development but also the economic, cultural and social development.


2.  What is federalism?

Ans:- The division of country into various autonomous state and separation of power between a central authority and constituent political units is called federalism.


3.  Differentiate between unitary system and federal system in a sentence.

Ans:- In unitary system there is only one government who rule  over all the country where as in federal system the power of central government is shared by state government.


4.  Define federal democratic Republican state.

Ans:- A state which is divided into federal and provincial governments, ruled by peoples elected head of government and state and democratic system of Governance is called federal democratic republican state.


B. Short answer questions.

1.  What can be the bases for division of country in federal structure? Give a short introduction to each of them.

Ans:- The bases for division of country in federal structure are listed and described below:

a)  Language:- Language can be the base for division of country because when we divide it by the name of language, language of the local people can be saved but it should be multilingual because our society is formed with multi -language.

b)  Topography:- Topography can be another base for division of country into various state. The country is divided according to land structure. So that every regions will get divided equally without and topography problem.

c)  Ethnicity:- Ethnicity  is another base for division of country. Country is divided considering different ethnic group. Certain ethnic group people are divided in particular province.

d)  Natural resources:- natural resources is also the base for division. Every province are divided by providing equal natural resources. Incase if natural resources are not given of same. then natural resources of same value is provided so any conflict occurs in name of natural resources.


2.  What are the dimensions of development?

Ans:- The dimensions of development are listed below:

i)  Poverty alleviation

ii)  Utilization of social norms and beliefs.

iii)  Self-respect

iv)  Increase in productivity

v)  Fulfillment of basic needs

vi)  Economic cultural and social progress

vii)  Freedom and equality

viii)  Modern thought


3.  What are the matters considered in order to establish federal structure in Nepal?

Ans:- The matters considered in order to establish federal structure in Nepal are listed below:-

i)  Establishment of peace and security in country

ii)  Proportionate development in Nepal

iii)  Eradication of social discrimination and raising awareness

iv)  People’s participation and suitable infrastructure development in provinces


4.  Analyze the positive aspects of federalism.

Ans:- The positive aspects of federalism are analyzed below:

i)  Maintains close relation between the state and its people

ii)  It helps in maximum use of means and resources

iii)  It has to increase public participation in development activities

iv)  It helps to settle the disputes at local level and maintain peace and security

v)  It also helps to conserve the art, culture and heritage of nation


5.  “Federalism has negative aspects too”. Justify this statement.

Ans:- Yes, the given statement is absolutely true that federalism has negative aspects too. As we all know that federalism is division of country e into various autonomous state and division of power between Central government and provincial or state government. It has both positive and negative effect on nation.

Following points will justify the above statement clearly:

i)  Unequal distribution of means and resources between States may cause unequal development and misunderstanding among states.

ii)  There may be misunderstanding between federal government and provincial government regarding the share of power and authorities.

iii)  Federal system of government is more expensive.

iv)  There may be conflict between the states regarding the use of natural resources of border areas.

So, we can conclude that the federalism has negative aspects too.


6.  What do the central, provincial and local level and people have to do for successful implementation of federal system in the country? Present their roles.

Ans:- The role of the central, provincial and local level and people for successful implementation of federal system in the country are mentioned below:

 Central level government:-

i)  Protection of national unity and territorial integrity.

ii)  Managing and controlling Central level works and projects.

iii)  Maintaining diplomatic relation and controlling state affairs.

iv)  Looking over the works of state government.

Provincial government:-

i)  Managing matters related to state assembly.

ii)  Running and controlling provincial projects and programs.

iii)  Management of land and land records.

 Local level government:-

i)  Local development projects and programs.

ii)  Allocating local tax from people.

iii)  Preservation and development of language art and culture.


7.  “Federal system maintains close relationship between the government and the people”. Justify statement in paragraph.

Ans:- Yes, the given statement is absolutely true that federal system maintains close relationship between the government and the people. As, we all know that federalism is division of country into various autonomous state and every state has separate government with power and authorities earlier there was only one government at Central level living in capital city I,e Kathmandu due to which all the people cannot share their opinions, ideas and problem with government. And due to which there was no any relation between government and its people.

But as in federal state there is separate government at local level and provincial level along with Central level government. And here people can share their problems and opinions with their local government easily. If any issues is considerable then local government share with provincial government and Central government.

And quick action is taken against that issue. People can easily demand for development at local level with local government.

Thus, we can say that federal system of government has good relationship with the people.


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