Unit:-9 Lesson:-6 Globalization and Localization

Unit:-9 Lesson:-6 Globalization and Localization

Unit-9 Lesson- 6

Globalization and Localization

A.  Very Short Answer Questions

1.  What is globalization?

Ans:- Globalization means the opening of local and nationalistic perspective to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, services across national boundary.

2.  Write any two negative aspects of globalization.

Ans:- The two negative aspects of globalization are:

i)  Social crime, addiction, human trafficking and other social problems and evils increase.

ii)  Country cannot be independent.

3.  Define localization?

Ans:- Localization means the process of making something local in character or restricting it to a particular place.


B.  Short Answer Questions

1.  Write an editorial focusing on the advantages of globalization?



The Himalayan times।

20th June,

Advantages of globalization

The free transference of individual, goods, service, capital and information crossing the national border is globalization. This is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of worldviews, ideas, products, and other aspects of culture. It is very beneficial for all. It has helped to expand foreign relation, reduce poverty and decrease trade imbalance. Technology and scientific sector have developed. People are getting quality goods in low price due to International competition. International relation, corporation, mutual understandings between the countries have increased. Free trade, flow of capital, trade diversification, increment in foreign investment, etc. have developed. Specially, globalization is advantageous for developing countries as it helps to improve the living style of people.


2.  Discuss about the negative effects of the globalization.

Ans:- The negative effects of the globalization are:

i)  Least developed countries and developing countries are comparatively less benefited from the science and technology.

ii)  lndigenous culture, tradition, value of norms get degraded and the trend of blindly adopting foreign culture and tradition increases in the society.

iii)  Dependency increases in economy, National unity and nationality become weak which makes the weak countries weaker.

iv)  Developing and least developed countries May lack skill manpower due to the trend of brain-drain.

v)  Increase in drug trafficking, use of weapons, infectious disease and social deviation.

vi)  Extensions of multinational companies affect the national economy. The gap between rich and poor gets wider.

vii)  Pressure by rich and powerful countries on weak countries to follow their perspectives and principles.


3.  Discuss the economic features of globalization.

Ans:- The economic features of globalization are as follows:

i)  Availability of foreign employment.

ii)  People can use best quality of foreign goods in cheap price.

iii)  Expansion of trade and industry.

iv)  Poor country gets economic and financial support.

v)  Increment in import and export trade.

vi)  Scientific and technical support available.

vii)  Development of tourism sector.


4.  Write the difference between globalization and localization.

Ans:- The differences between globalization and localization are:-




1.It has advanced means and researches internationally.It has limited means and resources inside the certain locality.
2.It focuses on worldwide technology, economy, etc.It focuses on indigenous knowledge and technology
3.It takes the world as global village.It is based on nationalistic feeling and vision.
4.The economic, social and political activities are independent in the countries of the world.The economic, social and political activities do not concern with other countries of the world.


5.  Mention the positive and negative aspects localization.

Ans:- The positive and negative aspects of localization are given below:


Positive effects/strength of localization

Negative effects/weakness of localization

1.It focuses on the development of backward class.It obstructs in the supply of international goods and services.
2.It emphasizes on the people-centered development.It emphasizes on the development of only a limited and small area.
3.It opposes the interference of foreign countries and protects the nationality.It makes the people orthodox towards their caste or class.
4.It focuses in the uses of local products.It makes the people deprived of foreign culture and economy.
5.It preserves and promotes the indigenous culture and tradition.It prevents the goods and services from internationalization.
6.It discourages the internationalization of labourer and goods.It focuses on the development of a particular area rather than the whole country.

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